
joined Adobe as Global Web Producer

Authoring pages in AEM across Adobe.com, delivering web projects on time and budget through efficient page/template authoring and effective management of project schedules.

Feb 2024

left Volvo Group

Received a new offer at Adobe.

Jan 2024

joined Volvo Group as Senior Software Engineer

Using IBM API Connect(APIC) to manage APIs on API Manager and Developer Portal for VCIF, GLIF and CE API projects. Lift and shift both User Interface(UI) and User Experience(UX) to the new Drupal theme for Volvo CE Developer Portal, aligning with the Volvo Core Design System, to showcase API documentations and specifications for various user groups.

May 2023

Aug 2022

promoted to Design Lead at Aquiline Drones

Managed a team of motion editors, writers and designers to deliver weekly videos for the online platform.

Sep 2021

joined Aquiline Drones as UX/UI Designer

Designed a web and mobile drone application for pilots and crew to control operations, missions and flights

Conceptualized a drone simulator/game with multiple real scenarios.

Aug 2021

received award at Aquiline Drones

Aquiline Drones was named the winner of a Silver Stevie® Award in the Tech Startup of the Year - Software category in The 19th Annual American Business Awards®.

May 2021

left IBM

The IBM Global Technology Services (GTS) team was moved to Kyndryl as a spin-off of IBM's infrastructure services business.

Jul 2021

started on Aquiline Drones as Freelancer

Led the creation of an online drone video course for pilots, using 2D animations, technical videos and voiceover audio.

Aug 2020

MSC Recognition award

Recognized in the MSC Unplugged for the work done on the IBM Services Experts hub project within the Global Technology Services (GTS) team.

Nov 2019

joined IBM as Web developer for the Global Technology Services (GTS) project.

Worked as the main developer of a Lean Agile team, responsible for developing landing and marketing pages following IBM standards on multiple platforms (Drupal, Wordpress, React and Angular).

Led the development of IBM Services Expert Hub, a platform for matching experts to business challenges and integrating a consultation API and Think event sessions.

Developed the ITBizAdvisor/Learn Center, a social blog for experts to share content in various business and technology areas.

Developed a web application (Cloud Migration Asset Tool) for users to fill out a form detailing their business needs and receive a radar chart of recommended products and expert consultations.

Mar 2018

left Elocc. Creative Agency

End of the e-commerce temporary project.

Feb 2018

joined Elocc. Creative Agency as Freelancer.

Worked as part of a SCRUM-based team to redesign the e-commerce website for one of Brazil's largest houseware retailers Built the entire products and categories section using CSS Stylus

Dec 2017

left Megaleios

Resignation due the need of seeking a new environment.

Aug 2017

joined Megaleios as Front-end developer.

Led the corporate site and branding redesign, migrating from a overloaded Wordpress to lightweight flat HTML pages with a focus on conversions and live chat. Also building client websites/backoffice admins for native(iOS/Android) and hybrid apps.

Feb 2017

left Dualtec Cloud Builders

Dualtec Cloud Builders was incorporated by the UOL Diveo Group.

Jun 2016

joined Dualtec Cloud Builders as Marketing Analyst.

At this new experience, my role was to support the sales team with CRM Dynamics, creating marketing campaigns, generating leads, managing events (OpenStack Brasil), and designing the first OpenStack Cloud Portal.

Oct 2012

left Summit Comunicação

Resignation due the need of seeking a new environment.

Feb 2012

joined Summit Comunicação as Presentation Designer.

Led the creative process for presentation design, including brainstorming, script writing, storytelling, illustration, design, and animation.

Apr 2011

left Dualtec Sistemas

Dualtec Sistemas become Dualtec Cloud Solutions, which years later would become Dualtec Cloud Builders.

Set 2010

promoted to Key Account Developer at Dualtec Sistemas.

After some years of experience, I was promoted to Key Account Developer, with a focus on SEO/SEM optimization and improving client web experience.

Nov 2008

joined Dualtec Cloud Builders as Web developer.

It was my first experience as a Developer, starting out with .NET C# and Microsoft SQL building CMS for websites(CRUD). Later I had a great interest in Web Development and started learning new languages, such as: PHP and Javascript.

Jun 2008

left Jota System

As soon as I started college at FIAP, I got a chance to join the developers team and starting to learn ASP.NET.

May 2008

joined Jota System as Technical Support.

After completing technical high school in Computer Science specialization, I got my first job doing maintenance for computers and printers for external clients.

Jan 2008


I am a highly versatile professional with a diverse range of skills and expertise. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, I have a strong foundation in Digital Marketing, working on both Design and Development roles.

  • From: São Paulo, SP - Brazil
  • Born: February 17, 1990
  • Phone: +55 11 97326-1024
  • Email: hebert.tamayoci@gmail.com
Latest Experience
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Global Web Producer
Feb 2024 - (present)

Volvo Group

Senior Software Engineer
May 2023 – Jan 2024


Web developer
Mar 2018 – Jul 2021