Hebert Tamayoci  

at Adobe
Figma Front-end Development Back-end Development

Volvo Construction Equipment

Volvo CE


Our mission was to enhance the Developer Portal experience, enabling the creation and management of API products with a focus on GLIF (Global Dealer Interface) for dealers and VCIF (Volvo CE Commercial Integration Framework) for consumers.

Problem statement

Volvo CE recognized the need to provide a robust and user-friendly platform for API product creation, management, and documentation. The existing Developer Portal faced several challenges, including a suboptimal user experience, inconsistency with the Volvo Core Design System, and the absence of essential Cookie Management capabilities. Additionally, there was a need to showcase API documentation and specifications effectively, manage API subscriptions, and provide clear API data access for both internal/external developers and business experts.

Volvo CE


Our project began with thorough research, including an in-depth analysis of the existing Developer Portal's pain points and user feedback. We engaged with stakeholders to understand their specific requirements and expectations. We also studied industry best practices and conducted competitor analysis to identify areas where we could improve.

Design process

The design process involved a comprehensive overhaul of the Developer Portal's user experience, aligning it with the Volvo Core Design System to create a consistent and visually appealing interface. The design phase focused on creating an intuitive platform for managing API subscriptions and providing easy access to API data for various user groups.


The result of our efforts is a revamped APIC Developer Portal that seamlessly integrates with GLIF and VCIF. The portal now aligns with the Volvo Core Design System, offering a visually consistent and user-friendly interface.


The APIC Developer Portal project has had a significant positive impact on Volvo CE. Users have reported a vastly improved user experience, higher efficiency in managing API products, and enhanced compliance with Cookie Management requirements.


Our journey with the APIC Developer Portal project has underscored the importance of user-centered design and the value of aligning with industry best practices. As we move forward, we remain dedicated to continuous improvement and ensuring that the Developer Portal continues to meet the evolving needs of Volvo CE ecosystem

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