Hebert Tamayoci  

at Adobe
Figma Project Management


Our mission was to create a cutting-edge online dashboard platform that empowers users to manage drone operations, missions, and tasks seamlessly across various industries and organizations. With a strong focus on real-time data monitoring and management, we aimed to revolutionize how drones are utilized for inspections and operations.


Problem statement

The lack of a unified and user-friendly platform for managing drone operations presented several challenges. Users struggled to coordinate missions, monitor real-time data, and optimize their drone fleet effectively. There was a clear need for an integrated solution to streamline drone management across diverse sectors.



We gathered insights into the specific needs and pain points of drone operations. We also studied existing drone management systems and identified areas for improvement. This research phase allowed us to tailor our design process to address the unique challenges faced by different industries.

Design process

Creating an interactive and user-friendly dashboard that would serve as the central hub for managing drone operations. We designed intuitive interfaces for planning missions, monitoring drone flights, and analyzing real-time data. We also prioritized features such as task assignment, fleet management, and data visualization to enhance the user experience.


Our platform offers an intuitive, web-based dashboard that enables users to plan, execute, and monitor drone missions seamlessly. Users can efficiently manage their drone fleets, assign tasks to pilots, and access real-time data and analytics, all within a unified interface.


Unfortunately the project was stopped due lack of investments to start the project.


Our journey with the M2 at Sirius Digital project was short but reinforced the importance of user-centered design and the power of technology to transform industries.

M2 M2 M2 M2