Hebert Tamayoci  

at Volvo Group
Game Design

AD Simulator (prototype)


I led the UI concept of a drone simulator game prototype that allows users to select the aircraft, mission type and scenario, payload, cameras and sensors, and controls and HUD for drone control. The game includes a tutorial for the user to learn about each scenario objective. The goal of the project was to create an engaging and educational experience for drone enthusiasts and professionals to practice their skills in a safe and controlled environment. My role involved conducting research and designing the simulator interface.

AD Simulator Cover

Problem statement

There was a need for a realistic and educational drone simulator experience that can provide users with an engaging and immersive experience, rather than just being a gaming experience.


I’ve conducted user research with ElluminAI Labs AI & Game specialist which provided me insights and feedbacks on how to create a meaningful experience as a game/simulator UI.

Design Process

Based the research, I’ve used the drone 3D models and 3D environments to create the simulator experience. Then we tested multiple wireframes and layouts for the menu UI based on other games and simulators.


The drone simulator game provides users with an immersive and realistic experience of flying a drone in different scenarios. The game includes a tutorial for users to learn about each scenario objective and how to operate the drone controls and HUD. Users can select from a range of aircraft, payload, cameras and sensors, and controls to customize their experience. The game includes a variety of scenarios, such as search and rescue missions, aerial photography, and surveying.


The simulator concept has received positive feedback from the ElluminAI Labs AI & Game specialist and other Aquiline Drones stakeholders, but the project was paused due the lack of the resources to build the simulator.


This project taught me the importance of designing with user needs and interests in mind, and the value of testing and iterating throughout the design process.