Hebert Tamayoci  

at Volvo Group
Figma Project Management

AD Corporate Site

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Aquiline Drones is an american company focused on drones software and training course for pilots and crew. The goal of the project was to launch the new Enterprise Solutions, modernize the site, improve the user experience and focus on lead conversions. My role involved to identify the needs and goals with the stakeholders, lead the design team and provide the handoff properly with the development team.

AD Corporate Site

Problem statement

The previous version was a Wordpress template with outdated content and did not effectively showcase the new Enterprise Solutions. One of the main concerns was the low engagement of the pages as the content was not displayed in the correct way, the navigation was confusing and the site was not responsible across mobile, tablet and desktop.

AD Old Website


Analyzing the user mapping flows and the new sitemap structure and content provided by the client. We identified the pain points and areas for improvement for the new Design.

Design process

Based on our research, the design team created a style guide for Aquiline Drones, “Spartacus Design System” following the brand identity. Then we created wireframes for each page content type, once the wireframes were approved, we designed the high-fidelity mockups.


In the design we had a much cleaner and modern UI, with clear navigation, product illustrations, sliders showcases for each product and more prominent call to action forms. Responsive layouts were provided to the development team, making it easier for the developers to implement.


The stakeholders were amazed with the redesign, the leads through contact forms skyrocketed, the SEO and Accessibility was improved adding the detailed meta-tags(Open Graph, aria-labels) for each page.


This project was a proof of how a well executed handoff with the development team can help avoid production issues in the deployment. With good communication and having both Design and Development teams to follow the project since prototyping until launch helped the team to act in a collaborative to solve problems in a more agile way.

AD Corporate Site AD Analytics AD Corporate Mobile Services Isometrics