Hebert Tamayoci  

at Volvo Group
Figma Project Management

AD Analytics

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AD Analytics is a smart analytics dashboard to interpret real-time or recorded video/image streams from drone sensors using deep learning algorithms to generate useful data insights for various industries.

The AD Analytics project had the collaboration of ElluminAI Labs to support the development of the AI framework called “Spartacus”, Aerialtronics and DroneVolt as drone manufacturers.

Our goal was to design & develop a AI platform dashboard to control and monitor multiple data.

AD Analytics Cover

Problem statement

As this new AI project came in, we had to create a new style guide for AI products. AD Analytics as a platform consists of multiple solutions for each use case scenario. So we had: Fruit Counting, Crowd Counting, Livestock Counting, Land Surveying, Oil and gas, E&U inspection, Telecommunications and Exterior security. Each product needed to have it’s own customized look & feel to be featured in the AD ecosystem solutions.

AD Analytics IA


We conducted user research with ElluminAI Labs stakeholders who give us feedback and insights for the Design & Development of the AI project.

Design Process

We needed to create a new style guide for AI and a logo for AD Analytics as a product. With the insights given by ElluminAI Labs AI specialists and Game Designers, we identified opportunities to create new concepts for each application.


The idea was to create a new UI for the AD Analytics dashboard, improving the current AD style guide for applications but introducing a dark mode style only for AI products.


This project taught me the importance of staying tuned on the new technologies and stay in touch with experts of different areas of expertise to learn with them and to improve your own work through asking for feedbacks to deliver the best experience.

AD Analytics Views Fruit/Crowd Counting